Freedom Resources aka Lenox Capital
Rip-off Consumer fraud Ripoff business from hell

Education & Science

I am writing this letter in hopes of saving more innocent
people from getting cheated out of their hard earned money.

The guy that I talked to, Brandon, seemed to be a very
polite and helpful person. But do not be fooled by these people.

For although they are well spoken and helpful, their only goal is to take you for your money.

I was approached by them over the phone and fell victim to their fast talking manner. I was told that with their help, and a small one time deposit, that I could restore my credit.

So, like a fool I gave them my account number. I remember the last thing that I remember him saying was be sure that you have the entire $221.95 in your account so that we can process your credit card quickly. I waited for the 10 to 15 days for my package to arrive, It never did.

A month later I was called and told that my claim had been lost. That I needed to please give them my information again and to expect my package in my mailbox within 6 days. That has been 2 weeks ago. I contacted my bank today and I am in the process of getting my money back.

All of this for not paying closer attention to who I was talking to, and not getting enough info..

I guess that the best advise that i can give is to NOT trust these people. They will take your money, and give you nothing but grief in return. Beware!!!

Company: Freedom Resources aka Lenox Capital
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 6782390133
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Lenox Capital, Freedom Resource
Lenox Capital, Freedom Recources ripoff dishonest bank billing account california

Lenox capital (freedom resources)
Lenox Capital freedom resources ripoff credit card fraudulent consumer fraud ripoff fraudulent ripoff business

Lenox Capital, Freedom Resources
Rip-off Credit card scam consumer fraud

Freedom Resourse, Lenox Capital, Inc., Heather Gray
Freedom Resource Lenox Capital Inc Heather Gray ripoff

Freedom Resources Lenox Capital Inc
Ripoff charge 221.95 for credit card never got screwed the customers even more

Freedom Resources AKA Lenox Capital
Ripoff, mistreated and ripped off, tricked and lied to us

Lenox Capital Aka Freedom Resouces Aka Global Financial
Lenox Capital Aka Freedom Resources Aka Global Financial rip-off

Freedom Resource / lenox Capital
Freedom Resource/lenox Capital Capital ripoff consumer rip-off fraud

Freedom Resource Lenox Capital
FREEDOM RESOURCE LENOX Rip-off lied to us over the phone internet GEORGIA

Lenox Capital Inc. Aka Freedom Resource
Lenox Capital Inc. AKA Freedom Resource They took my money, ruined my credit, and wont give me a refund. Victimized many consumers