The Master's College
In santa clarita, ca. Beware the hidden fees and poor service!

Education & Science

I received solicitation from the college regarding an evening program for those that have some college, and want to finish their degree in Business Studies. I attended an open house, and was impressed with the sincerity of the staff. They provided me with financial costs of approximately $12,000, and offerred to assist in federal loan financial assistance.

To make a long story short, as I completed the program, I had spent over $14,000 and still had no degree. They decided that I needed 6-8 more undergrad classes, at a cost of an addition $4,000 My mother died near the end of my last semester, and I simply did not hsve any more money. They kept charging me for every little requird step, and I ended up with an unpaid bill of $400. I called them and said enough is enough, but they could care less, and sent the matter to a collection agency!

The attitude of the staff and management at this point has been rude indifference. Several years later, they hold up my transcripts and/or any further counseling for this $400 charge, plus interest.

I wrote and emailed the President several times, and received no response. Finally, a subordinate wrote to me, demanding the $400, and telling me now that I needed 10-12 classes of undergraduate work to finish my degree.

As a note, I was top of the class, and ended up with a 3.3 GPA in the program!

So, they ran $2,500 over the amount originally quoted, and now want another $10,000 in classes to award my degree! Beware their promises, because they do not keep them. Money is their God!

Company: The Master's College
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8005686248
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University Of Phoenix
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Axia College Of University Of Phoenix
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Kaplan University
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Ashworth College
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Virginia College Online Birmingham
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DeVry University
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University of Phoenix
Will Not Release My Transcripts

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University of Phoenix
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