Kaplan University
Confusing billing, inferior services

Education & Science

I wish I had found usacomplaints. Coms before I signed with Kaplan; I would have saved myself about $8,000.00.

I enrolled in the Business School.in November. At the time of my enrollment I told them I had two aims: 1) to receive the education to enable me to get promoted to assistant manager in my company, and 2), to learn about e-commerce. I will readily admit that some of my problems with Kaplan billing are my fault, as I did not sufficiently clarify what the per-credit cost was. But that does not explain the problems I have had. (I have three years college credits already, so I had a clear idea of what I wanted.)

My advisor led me to believe that my Stafford loans and Pell Grants would cover my expenses. So when I received billing in excess of those amounts, I asked for a receipt or statement of some sort. After numerous requests and demands, I finally received a copy of my Ledger of Accounts today, June 24! I still have never received a complete breakdown., just genealized figures.in fact, the financial aid person who finally sent the requested information wasn't even sure what the per-credit charges were, and had to research them before she could tell me.

I had a little trouble logging in on my first semester, but it seemed to get corrected very quickly. My second semester as a nightmare! They requested paperwork, and I sent it in. They rquested the paperwork again a few weeks later, and I sent it in again. They requested the paperwork again — this was repeated 4 times. Finally, at te very end of the semester, they claimed again that they had not received the paperwork, and locked me out!
I faxed the paperwork in again (the FIFTH time!), but they did not lift the block until after the semester was over, and I was unable to finish my classes. But of course I am still beig charged for them.

I also had a problem with academic and financal advisors. It seemed that every time I had a problem or question, I couldn't get them, because of the time zones — they always seemed to have gone home by the time I got off work, so I could never seem to catch them!

What did I get for my money? The classes were often verbatim from the books, which made me wonder why I even had to buy the books. But my main complaint is that they were totally irrelevant to my stated purpose for going to school. For exampe, I took an Intro to Business Software course, and Accounting I. I had stated that I wanted training that would prepare me for a management position, so I expected an overview of the various business software programs I might encounter. The courses I was given focused exclusively on Microsoft Office; none of the other available programs was even mentioned in passing.in fact, I began to wonder if Kaplan is a Microsoft subsidiary, since you can't even access their website unless you have Internet Explorer.

I do feel I got a good introductiion to Microsoft Office, and I use some of what I learned for my personal records, but it does not help with the Mac systems I need to use. There is nothing else I took that I can even use in my job.

The whole experience has been completely negative. I would not recommend Kaplan under ANY circumstances!!

Company: Kaplan University
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft Lauderdale
Address: 6301 Kaplan University Avenue
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Kaplan University
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Kaplan University
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