AP9 PrivacyMatters 123
I canceled within 24 hours, i since have been charged 2 more times

Education & Science

I signed up for privacy matters 123, within 24 hours hours i canceled. I have since been charged 2 more times. Each month i have to check my bank statements. They are hoping people dont check there accounts. I know have to call again tomorrow and get a credit refund again. This has to stop.

Company: AP9 PrivacyMatters 123
Country: USA
State: Illinois
Site: privacymatters123.com
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AP9 PrivacyMatters
Fraudulent charges!

Privacy Matters 123
This company will rip you off and you don't even know it Around The Globe

Privacy matters took unauthorized money from credit card even after cancelling no service rendered

Privacy Matters, True Assure
Freescoretrio stole credit information from classmates.com

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Privacymatters charged my credit card 19.95,,1.00,100 & never rx c. Rep

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They took money from my bank account without my consent

Identity. privacymatters.com
Fraudulent billing

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They scamed me into buying the $1 credit check Des Plaines

Privacy Matters
Unauthorized billing

Stay away from them