Stay away from them

Business & Finance

They sold our debit info to a company in the UK and now that account is tied up and they charged my other debit card, a number they never should have gotten, for $29.95. This is just a big scam to get your info and do to you exactly what are you trying to protect yourself from... GO ELSEWHERE!!! I do not understand how these people at PRIVACY MATTERS can sleep at night but I know that they will surely rot in *. Check your statements carefully and make sure that you get after them if this has happened to you.

Company: PrivacyMatters
Country: USA
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Privacy Matters
Unauthorized charges

Privacy Matters
Privacy Matters 123 Used my debit card with out permisson, I never authorthized the them to take anything Internet

Privacy Matters - At Home Rewards
Privacy Matters And At Home Rewards Unauthorized $19.95 charge on debit card

"Privacy Matters" ID And Credit Reporting Company
I have no clue who this is or how they got my debit card info but they are charging me

Privacy Matters
Credit Card charge I did not authorize

Ik9*privacy Matters
IK9 PRIVACY MATTERS UnAuthorized Charges to my Debit Card

Privacy Matters
Charged debit $30 3x in 1 week

Privacy Matters
Watchout for Privacy Matters!

People search people finders usa people search privacy matters unauthorized charges scam rip off theft

Privacymatters - Galleriausa - Ms Tomiral
Privacymatters aka Galleriausa - Ms Tomiral Id 3902 ripped off 4 times in 2 days of free trial period. $14.95 x 2, & $1.00 x2 by each company RIPOFF