Wells Fargo Home Mortgate
No communication, hold times 1 hr - 1.5 hrs

Education & Science

I have been trying since September to speak with someone in the Ft. Mill, SC office re: my mortgate. I lost my job in July and have not had any luck finding employment to date. I contacted Wells Fargo Home Mortgate and tried to speak with someone in September and they advised that they could not help me, they also advised not to send in partial payments. I contacted them again in October and they advised the same thing. I have experienced hold times from 1 hr - 2 hrs in length only to be transferred to an electronic voice that tells me that the office I am trying to reach is not open at this time and to call back during business hours. The voice states that business hours are 8a-5p m-f and I am on the phone @ 1p-2p, go figure, suprising huh? I have also sent 3 emails thru the website to customer service and they respond "Please give us a call we need to speak with you", I am very curious what is difficult to understand about the statement: "I have tried repeatedly to contact your office and am experiencing hold times of an average 1 1/2 hours and then transferred to a voice that states the office is not open, asking them to please call (gave them my cell number and my email address) immediately so I can resolve this matter. Needless to say nothing has been done and I have given up on trying to rectify the situation. I wish I could find an attorney that has the tennasity to file a class action suit against this company, it sounds like they have put too many people thru emotional stress that is not necessary. Needless to say I will probably end up loosing my home to foreclosure.

Company: Wells Fargo Home Mortgate
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Ft. Mill
Site: www.wellsfargo.com
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