Wells Fargo
Consumer Report


My brother had a massive stroke July 17, and he's been in ICU since that time. He gave me written access to his mortgage account, but Wells Fargo refuses to honor the signed letter from my brother, giving me access to his mortgate account information. My brother only owes approximately $8 grand on his home in Mississippi, but Wells Fargo refuses to modify his mortgage, even though he's been in ICU more than two weeks. They won't grant me access to his mortgage account, so I can work to stop foreclosure proceedings. When I called their 800 number, at least 3 females' were extremely rude, and didn't care at all that my brother had just suffered a massive stroke, and granted me access to his mortgage account. I faxed them two written/witnessed letters by the hospital social worker giving me access to his mortgate account, but Wells Fargo Home Mortgage could care less. They are working overtime to foreclose on my brothers home, when he only owes approximately $8 grande to pay off the entire mortgage. All my requests for assistance with this matter have gone unheard.

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
ZIP: 94104
Address: 420 Montgomery Street
Phone: 8008693557, 8668785865
Site: wellsfargo.com
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