Knight Transportation
Trumped up charges to fire me when they couldn't bully me

Education & Science

They lie to you about the "dedicated" run that they have and when you find out it is a joke the joke is on you because you can't leave for at least 6 months or it trashes your record. I got injured on 9/11 in Houston and "company policy" is that no one is to authorize an ambulance whatsoever - they are self-insured. Well, the safety man was freaked out because he thought I had a back injury and authorized an ambulance. Well, I'm on a back board sitting on a table in a hospital in Houston and 9/11 happens. I get left alone in the hospital - abandoned. The safety man came and picked me up and I got care at another facility. When I refused to sign away my medical records past, present and future is where I ran into trouble. The safety man got in trouble with the main office in Phoenix so when I created problems for them by not signing they trumped up charges and fired me. I got the safety man in Houston to fax me a copy saying I resigned which ended up messing me up in reality because now they put on my DAC that I was fired even though I have a copy of the resignation and I can't file for unemployment because the charges were bogus. Thinking about working for these criminals, think again if you value your DAC record.

Company: Knight Transportation
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Katy
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