Knight Facilities Management / Caravan Knight Facilities Management
Unfair firing practice! Don't get sick with this company, they will fire you


I too have become a victim of this company's unfair firing. I was fired after being hospitalized.

On Dec. 5, I called off very sick, having trouble breathing. (Working in this type of environment would not help the situation). Monday, Dec. 8 I was still very sick. My Site Mgr. Told me that this would not be an excused absence. I explained that I had to see a Doctor first.

On Tues., Dec. 9, I went into work, still very ill. She sent me to the Safety Meeting and it was then that I had another breathing attack. After taking me to Medical, they felt that I should go to the Emergency Room, as my pulse, blood pressure and sugar was extremely low. At the hospital, they admitted me because they could not keep my blood sugar up for more than 45 minutes.

I was released 2 days later, but had to see my Doctor for a release to work. This could not be done until the following Monday. When I went into work with my release, they had me go to the Safety Meeting, take my Sweeper, that I drive, to the Repair Shop. When I returned, they informed me that I was being discharged for absenteeism. The only other day that I missed, was when my daughter was in a terrible car accident. This too I had documented.

I immediately contacted the Vice President of HR, and asked for this to be investigated. She said that she would get back with me. Another woman called me back, a week later. She was VERY rude to me. She said that since I was not there for my full 90 days, that they were not required to keep my job. (I would have reached my 90 days on Dec 26). I explained that I certainly could not control these events, and what happened to their policy of "Health and Family" come first? She ignored this.

Not to get more into this conversation... Be aware of how this company treats it's Employee's. If it sounds too good... It is!!!

Company: Knight Facilities Management / Caravan Knight Facilities Management
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Saginaw
Address: 304 S. Niagara St
Phone: 9892392114
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