Jim Ross Real Estate Exposed, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing
Illegally Took $297.00 from account 3 months after product was returned!

Education & Science

On 6/18/07 I purchased Jim Ross "Real Estate Exposed" Foreclosure Training to teach you everything you needed to get into the market of foreclosures. The program was to include dvd's and books for $297.00. You were not to be billed for 31 days. You had 30 days to Look over the program and if your were not satisfied in any way the just return the program with in 30 days and you would never be billed the $297.00.
I received the program on 6/28/07. After reviewing the dvd's and the books I did not feel they were worh the $297.00. The print on the books was hardly legible on the columns on many of the pages. They had charged a $8.95 processing fee that was not refundable.
I returned the product 7/23/07 in the same box it was shipped to me in to the same address it came from via Fed Ex to arrive on 7/27/07.
October 4 I had $297.00 taken from my account that created my account to be overdrawn checks I had written to bounce causeing Insuffiecient fund charges. When I emailed this company about this problem thinking it was a legitimate mistake. I was emailed back about their policy and that they had no record of this product being returned from me. I emailed back the verification from Fed Ex with the tracking number and the copy of the signature of who signed for it. After 2 days I hadn't heard anything and I happened to have found the phone number so I called them. I asked to speak to Poppy Ward which is who was the responder of the email telling me they hadn't received our return and they're policy. Poppy Ward wasn't in and the person I spoke to told me that Poppy had received the information and she had issued me a credit. She told me I should receive it with in about a week.
That was 10/17/07. On 11/06/07 I checked my account and still the $297.00 has not been credited to my account. I Called again today and Poppy Ward answered the phone. She tells me the credit will be issued in about two weeks. When I ask her why this is taking so long? She informs me there are alot of other people waiting ahead of me. (HMMMM) (Why so many people waiting for credits since october 17)
I'm told there's no supervisor to speak to and there's no way to speak to the person that handles the issuing of credits. She doesn't take phone calls.
The Bottom line is the product was returned in July and in October they took $297.00 from my account. It sounds like they've done this to many others also since I have to wait in line to get my money back that they should not have taken in the beginning.

Company: Jim Ross Real Estate Exposed, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
Address: 596 Westport Ave. Norwalk, Ct. 06851
Phone: 8004629028
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Jim Ross Real Estate, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing Illegally
Jim Ross Real Estate, Foreclosure World, Jordan Publishing Charged my account $297 on same day items returned... Will not answer phones or answer messages left to refund my account

Foreclosure World, Foreclosure Town, Jordan Publishing, Poppy Ward
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Jordan Publishing, Foreclosure World, Foreclosure Store, Foreclosure Training, Foreclosure Town
Shipped unwanted, worthless material with "free" CD. My $8.95 S&H fee became $297 on my credit card bill!

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Ripped me off for 99.61 and didn't send the product

Jim Ross - Jordan Publishing
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Foreclosure World - Foreclosure Store - Foreclosure Training - Foreclosure Leads - Jordan Publishing
Money Solutions USA RIPOFF! Warning: These people only want your money. Don't get ripped off. Run... Fast!