Jim Ross - Jordan Publishing
Ripoff do not do anything with jim ross or foreclosure school tax liens

Internet & Web

I ordered a course from Jim Ross to make money in realestate. I wanted to get into foreclosures so I could buy a home with some equity already in it and start rebuilding my credit. Like most of you that have reported him, I got a couple of phone calls from representatives before receiving anything in the mail. I was also asked how much I could invest. When I told them my situation, they were very polite and said they couldn't help. I told them I would return the information unopened as soon as I received it. I was told my account would not be charged. Well in August my account was charged $297.00 and I never received the course. I called back several times and left messages but never received any calls back. I wrote it off to a scam.

Well they did it again. I fell for it a second time only this time it was titled tax liens. I signed up for it and was very, very disappointed when low and behold it was JIM ROSS again. Well needless to say I never received the package, my account was debited for $297.00 and now I am out $594.00. Ok fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me but there will not be a chance for a third time and anybody reading this, beware. He is a very good scam artist. Just think of the money he is raking in. Every person that orders his course is paying $297.00. Please do not sign up for any of his courses. He has several out there. They are not all listed under Foreclosure or Tax Liens so please look hard before you accept the "Free" offer.

Company: Jim Ross - Jordan Publishing
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Norwalk
Address: 22 Elizabeth Street
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