Fraudulently Accused of Shoplifting

Education & Science

Received a letter in the mail from Walmart telling me I owe them several hundred dollars from their loss and prevention department re: shoplifting.

Also received a letter from the police department telling me to appear for fingerprint, booking and court appearance for shoplifting.

Needless to say, hadn't shopped at walmart for a few years and wondered why I was being accused of this. I also definetely don't shoplift.

Didn't get much help from theWalmart loss and prevention department for any information I could find out about what was going on. Just pay the money, they told me. A bunch of run arounds on the phone, rude people etc..
I wasn't exactly nice back.

Called around to a few Walmarts around the local area. Found the one in question. Told me they would get back to me on the incident via telephone. I drove directly to the Walmart at that point and spoke to the manager on duty.

The manager happened to remember my name but pointed out he didn't recall my face as he was on duty the time of the incident. He asked me to accompany him to the security office to pull the file.
On the file, was my name (my complete name which indicated a male). My address. On the report a middle name had been written, crossed off and my middle name written. My birthdate. And a picture of a female with Tami Baker like smeared make up from crying (she looked like a real winner).

I am like, who the heck is this; It's not me! Who filled out this report?
The manager proceeds to tell me the security department filled out the report and obviously made a big mistake and wondered why it was filled out in the manner it was.

Turns out the security department agent person handling the report felt sorry for the girl and purposely altered the report? (My best guess). The manager said that they would see about correcting the report as soon as he could but wouldn't allow me to have a copy of the report.
My response was that we are not going to wait to do this! I am calling the police department right now because I am being framed with a crime and I am not letting go of the evidence currently in my hand! We have a problem here!

So, the police came. A report was made by me. The court still tried to charge me with shoplifting so I made an appearance with an attorney. Eventually after the second appearance it was thrown out of court. The court received the actual real name of the thief and she was charged with shoplifting.

My complaint here is that the Walmart security office should have been a little more careful in their report procedure. I also feel an apology should have been sent to me by Walmart, a gift card or something for the major hassle they put me through. Or at least two days worth of lost pay from work.
It is good justice was served in the apprehension of the "real thief".

Company: Walmart
Country: USA
State: California
City: Modesto
Address: Sisk Road
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