National Homeowners Asssistance - saved Homes
Scam artists

Education & Science

I recieved little cards in the mail from companies whom say they can help save your home from foreclosure. My husband called, they told him if he could come up with $1'300, so we did. The person we spoke to asssured us that once we pay that it would stop the house from going into foreclosure.

They said that money was going towards the house payment. We then found out from the so called lawyer that was taking care of the matter that this money went toward paying her the money. My husband then called and asked for the money back.

She said they don't refund the money, that we would have to send a request letter. This lady didn't do anything but phone calls that I could have done myself. These people need to be stoppped also.

Company: National Homeowners Asssistance - saved Homes
Country: USA
State: California
City: Lake Forest
Address: 23600 El Toro Road, suite. d#361
Phone: 8008931080
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