Ocwen Federal Banks
Ocwen Federal Bank ripoff liars abuse & mistreat consumers

Business & Finance

Hello, I have to be riped like others, mistreated, we fell behind in one month in because of my husband job. So I called them told them situation he was getting his comp time in and we would have the money out. Well they said they understood and next thing, i getting calls everyday asking where are we paying. I told them, I already talk to someone, and that was there job to call everyday till the payment was in. Then I, received a letter from attroneys they would be file foreclosure.

I called them they said this was normal and, i said on just one payment behind. So i had to pay too payments up, so we did. Then around December we had another fall back because my husband job, so i contacted them again told then situation and they said ok just keep us posted. I did then started calling again everyday, I told them i aready spoke with some about the issue and they said that there job. So then I in a situation that my husband lost his job, and i called them told them the situation and ask if we could do some payment plan. They told me they dont do that.

I told them as soon as my husband get his retirement check we will have the payment, so next theing i get a letter from there attroneys saying if i dont get up 1,75717 by the feb 19. Then it would go to the next step for foreclosure. So i called ocwen and talk with them and said, well you need to got to red cross, salvation army, churches for help, or even family memebers, so i tried what they told me and no help. So I, went to my father Inlaw, he said he could help with one payment, since it so high he couldnt afford any more. So I called they told them i have 858.00 up and they told me they could try to work a payment plan.

I ask why didnt anyone tell me this before and they said we dont know why. So they told me to have 950.00 and they would stop the filing. So i told my father Inlaw and he gave me the money and i called back to get acomforamtion letter and they told me they cant do that. So when I sendthe money to them they would give me a letter that would state that. I said I like to have proof and they said oh, we give you our word and i said i like it to be written. They said they couldnt do that. So someone told me becareful because they might not hold there word and go on to foreclosure, so i happen to stumble over this site. The weriods things is they told me they would take my 950.00 but the attroneys letter says i have to have 1,757.17. So who do you believe?

I calling monday trying to see if they will send me something in writting again. I hate to lose my house. When you dont have a good company that willing to work with you to save your house, to me this is not a good company. They also told me to sell the house or refiance it. Well how can you refiance it when they screwed up your credit already, by sending it in. I feel like they told care about there customers, thank you for listening to me, I keep saying god will take care of us and the kids. Help please!!! Any suggestions?

Company: Ocwen Federal Banks
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 12650 Ingenuity Drive
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