National Financial Solutions LLC
Took $1,000 from me and did not stop Saxon Mortgage from foreclosing on my home

Business & Finance

The company, National Financial Solution, mailed me a letter with a contact number and stated that I do not have to lose my home to foreclosure. The letter stated, "Let National Financial Solution negotiate a payment arrangement between you and your mortgage Company. We are skilled at working with mortgage companies to save people's homes." I called the phone number and spoke to Eli Taylor, a person who worked for National Financial Solution LLC. He stated that he use to work for Saxon Mortgage in the Loss Mitigation Department and that he knew how to negotiate payment arrangements to stop foreclosure.

He faxed me paper work to fill out and requested that I fill out the paper work and wire him $1000.00. I explain to him that I only had $500.00 to send. He agreed to accept the $500.00 and asked when could I wire the remainder of the balance, $500.00. I explained to him that I would be able to wire it in a week. I wired the remaining balance a week later and never heard from Mr. Eli Taylor again. I called several time and left messages but he never returned any of my calls.

I lost $1000.00 to a thief and I just want to warn others about this SCAM. I was desperately trying to save my home and I fell for this scam hook line and sinker. He took advantage of my desperate situation. Please be ware! Do not be the next victim.

If anyone out there knows how I can get my money back from this thief, please leave a reply to this report.

Company: National Financial Solutions LLC
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Wylie
Phone: 2144024024
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