ALW Sourcing - NCO Group
NCO Group, ALW Sourcing Illegal Hard Inquiries on TU Report

Education & Science

This is my first report. Generally I like to think that I am savvy enough to avoid the pitfalls of "caveat emptor", but with Trans Union's willingness to accept hard inquiries from illegal sources, I find that I too am somewhat naive.

For the purposes of the post, I am not yet filing on TU. Rather, the "Zombie Debt" entities that are rapidly procreating without any regulation apparent. I want all to know that a "new" creature may have been born from the excrement of NCO. This is ALW Sourcing; a group of moronic shvartser who are no more clued in than Vick and DMX. Could this be the "field workers" for NCO?

If true, maybe NCO thought they were smart by creating this new "entity" in order to multiply hard inquiries in an illegal effort to reduce credit scores thereby pressuring their "clients" to pay. The fact is that this group consistently focuses on "non-collectible debt" - otherwise known as "out of statute".

On my report, ALW is listed as having offices at:

570 Prudential Road, Horsham PA 19044 - which is suspiciously close to 507 Prudential Road, Horsham PA 19044, the address for NCO. Steven D. Fredrickson is the CEO for NCO (according to my last search) and if anyone wants a pdf on his compensation advise.

On ALW's web site they are listed as:

1804 Washington Boulevard
Baltimore Washington
PH: 443-263-3290
FX: 443-263-3265
TOLL FREE - 877-259-5521 (ALW-LLC1) (I would like to see a hacker set-up their toll-free with a constant dialer so it could be "disabled")

I now have 3 hard inquires in less than two years that are unauthorized and illegal. I am looking for people in the same or similar circumstances. Mind you, while my scores are in the range of 772 to 806, I too have been victimized so don't let your scores - if lower - concern you. This is about repeated violations of the FDCPA. Link as follows:

Http://www.ftc. Gov/os/statutes/fdcpa/fdcpact.htm

Back to the point, NCO is well known for committing zillions of collection action infractions and has been fined by FTC for same. Now it is time to take Steven's money, home, family and reduce him to street trash.

Any of you that have had similar experiences, please respond. Let's work together with a proper attorney (already have one in mind who is more than excited about the prospect) and take the largest violator out of this world.

Zombie debt slayer
Everywhere Zombie Debt Collectors Are

Company: ALW Sourcing - NCO Group
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: 570 Prudential Road, Horsham PA 19044
Phone: 4432633290
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ALW Sourcing
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ALW Sourcing - NCO Group
Ollegal "Hard Inquiry" on Trans Union Report

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Alw Sourcing
They ran a hard inquiry without my permission

NCO Financial
Illegal collection activity attempting to collect on non exhisting debt