USA Credit
Usa credit charged my account twice and now I have checks bouncing everyplace I could go to jail. Ripoff New Jersey new jersey

Education & Science

I was contacted by my credit union on tuesday and they told me my account was overdrawn. I went online to my bank site and there was a charge for 149.95 from usa credit wich I never autherized. I then recieved in the mail a notice of insoficient funds from usa credit with a phone number to call I called and got a woman who would not listen at all and told me to check out the web site first I was so angry that i hung up the phone and whent to the web site wich had nothing but junk. I called the number back and told them to take me off the list for the card and they said ok. Not even 2 weeks later they did it again and all in all ended up costing me 400$ and possible prosicution from area bussiness. They need to be stopped. I am a single mother of 2 and now I cant afford to get school clothes for my kids because every penny I make goes to paying off my bounced checks. If anyone out there knows how to get these scamming jerks back please pass on the info these type of actions against fellow humans is cruel and they should be punnished.

Company: USA Credit
Country: USA
State: NewJersey
City: Swedesboro
Address: 10 Dover Place
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USA Credit
I went to the bank to see why I was bouncing checks and this USA credit came up for 149.95 I never autherized anyone to take out this money!

Byers Union, Premier Movie Pass, Call One Communications, Payment Processing Center
RIPOFF and Identity theives

Capital Financial
Ripoff lied to me about Capital One credit card and took away 200.00 from my checking account!

USA Federal Credit Union
Did not credit my direct deposit to my account for two pay periods ripoff San Diego California

Visa Aspire
Gave then took away before even using the card

Cca, - First National Credit
Cca aka first national creditcca rip-off! Almost had me with 300 dollars or more, but didn't. Thank's!

Credit Education Group
Ripoff, overdrew my bank account by extracting 296.00, and no credit card! Fraudulent ripoff business

CCS - First National
They ripped me off and conned me out of 200.00!

Cic Credit Monitoring - consumerinfo
Ripoff overdrew my account bounced checks unauthorized use of my credit card

Usa Credit
I needed some fast cash and tried online credit. USA credit took my money out of my account without my knowledge or authorization