Cross Country Bank
Is a ripoff that victimized many consumers

Education & Science

Where as I do not have a CCB account, just working with consumer credit counseling clients, there has been one horror story after another.

I understand that our clients, of a consumer credit counseling agency, are past due but all of our credit card companies are willing to lower APR, suspend fees and take lower payments. Everone gets into a jam, financially, but Cross Country Bank uses filthy language, deceptive practices and outright lies.

As I work with this company daily, I would advise anyone who has had or has credit problems to borrow from your disabled aunt on social security to avoid applying for a CCB card. Your credit may be 'bad' but using a CCB credit card will haunt you for the next 10 years.

At 20.99% APR, on every dollar you send, your are throwing away 30 cents of that to employ those untrainable 'customer service' people.

Apple Valley, Minnesota

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: 4700 Exchange Ct
Phone: 5619829111
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Cross Country Bank
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Cross Country Bank
Charging over limit fees late fees when Im on a repayment plan w / a debt counseling co