Nco Portfolio Management
Mid-collections, am seeing if it's valid ripoff

Education & Science

For a couple of years now, I've been making payments to NCO regarding a Sears account. Here's the thing: I've had two fires, one in 1998 (mostly just smoke and water damage), one in 2001 (pretty much took everything), which made me lose all our financial records. I could almost guarantee I had paid the Sears account off, but have no proof.

Since NCO contacted me in I had been asking for a record of proof that I still owed money on this account. I finally received a listing in the mail that shows I've been making payments sporatically since but nothing about the original Sears account. I'm willing to pay it back if I do indeed still owe money, but after reading several of the other reports here, I'm extremely skeptical that I do owe money. Any suggestions as to what I do?

Company: Nco Portfolio Management
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Horsham
Address: 507 Prudential Road
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Portfolio Recovery
Sears account off in 2001. Balance $385.00. Per Portfolio, phone calls. Lies

Portfolio Recovery Associates
Ms. Payton ripoff Fradulent Collection Trying to collect 5 year old account that has been paid off for 5 years

Sears - CityBank - Account Care
Ripoff, diligently collects premimums but does not pay as they claim

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC
Sears National Bank Harassing Phone Calls

Wyse Financial Services - NCO Portfolio Management
Debt Collection Fraud ripoff

Sherman Acquisitions
Theiving, lying, scum-bag collectors who have no proof Ripoff

Sears Credit Card Sears card account closed - never been late, no late payments, never over limit Internet

Sears Roebucks Credit Company
The business that doesnt give a damn

Sears - Citibank
Sears card accepted payoff then refuesd to acknowledge

Resurgent Capital
Lvnv Funding - Sherman Acq. Ripoff sears supposively sold the account to one company and they sold it to another when they are all really sears