Online Supplier - Newave - Commerce Planet
Ripoff charged visa atm card without authorization $29.95 twice

Education & Science

I was charged $29.95 on bank account through my Visa ATM card. I contacted, by email, company after first charge and asked for refund. They asked for more information which I reply, they charged me $29.95 again the following month, 15 Mar.

I asked for and paid for 'starter kit.' I authorized no more charges. I have ordered nothing and intend to order nothing.

Company: Online Supplier - Newave - Commerce Planet
Country: USA
State: California
City: Goleta
Address: 305 LaPatera La, Suite 7
Phone: 8008313952
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Online Supplier - Newave - OS Action Line
Ripoff Charged my credit card w/o consent

Regal Cigs
Consumer Report

Ripoff This Co charged my Visa card twice, $59.95 & $99.95. I did not order any products from them nor did I receive any from them. I asked for a refund to my card

Online Supplier, Newave
Online Supplier, Newave ripoff You agree to $1.95 for a "free" info kit. Then they start charging your account $29.95 PER MONTH UNAUTHORIZED!

GRC Vitapro Vitamins
Unauthorized charges for 8 months!

Online Supplier
Newave Online Supplier getting credit card information for shipping charge ripoff

Privacy Matters 123
Ripoff Obtained my visa number charged my card without my authorization

Online Supplier
Billing Credit Cards Without Authorization

BUYERS EDGE HDI charged $99 to Visa without authorization, claims it was authorized

Online Supplier
Ripoff charged my credit card for "Starter Kit" that I never received