Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing threats

Education & Science

Hi I have tried on numerous occassions to handle this situation. Unfortunately they keep telling me I owe the bill. I do not believe I do. On 3 seperate occassions someone called my home collect. On all 3 occassions my answering machine picked up. I never accepted these calls on the bill it showed 3 one minute calls. I informed them of this and that my answering machine had picked up. They still insist that pay 24.45$ for services I did not get, now they are threatening to ruin my credit. I work very hard to keep all my bills up to date. I dont mind paying for what I get but this is ridiculous. Please help

Company: At&t
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Aurora
Address: Po Box 8212
Phone: 8002220300
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Inmate Communications Corporation
Billed for two collect calls that I did not accept which were recorded by my answering machine ripoff

Oan Services
Ripoff, dishonest billing, with collect phone calls Internet

OAN Services, Inc. And Nationwide Connect, Inc
Slick scam to charge dollars per minute for collect calls never accepted

OAN Services - West Star Telecommunications
Scam collect calls from Mexico, Ripoff

NCIC - Zero Plus Dialing
Dishonest, fraudulent charges. Billing me for many minutes in collect calls never received or accepted ripoff

JBC Legal Group - P.C

AT&T Long Distance
Consumer rip-off fraud Charged for a collect call when the answering machine answered

OAN - West Star Telecommunication
RIPOFF Charged for collect call from Mexico that was not received

OAN Services - Nationwide Connections
OAN Services ripoff! As soon as someone answers your phone - answering machine or not - the line goes dead - and you are billed for accepting the collect call

Legacy LD International, ZPDI, Zero Plus Dialing, Billing Concepts
Legacy LD International, ZPDI, Zero Plus Dialing, Billing Concepts charged me for collect calls that were supposedly made while nobody could have possibly been in my house to recieve any calls