USA Benefits
Automatically taking money without permission!

Education & Science

I noticed this month a $9.95 withdraw from my account from a USA Benefits and had no idea what it was for and there was no phone number. It was listed as Automatic Checking Withdraw! I called the bank and got a phone number and called the company and looked further into my account, they have been taking $ from me since June and I just didn't realize it. The company refuses to give me a refund and claims I subscribed to their services through a "free offer" after applying for a payday loan, which I didn't do, no loan or free offer! They claim they sent me an e-mail stating I had a free trial then they would start charging me, I never received an e-mail either. The have no proof I ever authorized this and refuse to refund my money but claim they will close my account out now.

My bank claims they can do nothing for me. I have been on hold for 20 mins. Asking about a Fed E Form, that they don't even know what it is! They just came back on and told me they don't have a form, they know the Fed E regulations but that is it. They told me in order to stop I have to close my account out or pay them $27.50 for a stop payment or have a police report! I have no idea what to do next!

I have filed a complaint w / Better Business Bereau and will continue to try to get a refund back from the company and talk to someone other people to figure out what I need to do, anyone have advice, please help!

Summerville, South Carolina

Company: USA Benefits
Country: USA
Phone: 8008095986
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Platinum Benefits Group
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USA Benefits
Unauthorized withdrawals from checking account ripoff

Withdraws from my checking account without my authorization

USA Benefits
Ripoff debited $9.95 from my account without authorization

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Premier Benefits
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USA Benefits
Is debiting my checking account two to three times a month in the amount of $70.00 to $90.00 per month without my permission

Direct Benefits Group
Did not authorize this company to withdraw money from my checking account