Advantage America
Should Pay For What They Are Doing To People Ripoff is an understatement!

Education & Science

Not only did these people lie to me and my husband but when I called and complained that I had not recived any information yet. They acted like I just didn't understand all of the information when they called the first time. Not only are they scam artist but they are ruthless liers and minipulators. I hope that they get thier pants sued right off of them for what they have done to not only us but too everyone else out their!
Rest assured that I will be contacting the BBB and a lawyer and my bank to give them a heads-up on this scam.
I hope, if not me, that somebody gets these people and soon before they do too much more damage!

Lincoln, Nebraska

Company: Advantage America
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Winter Park
Address: 1900 Howell Brnach Road
Phone: 8665037345
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National Proccesing Division
Treating phone call, volugar language, personal information

Cash Advance America
Told my husband that we are being sued for not paying back a loan. He stated that his name was Ronnie, Ronnie called my husband a S.O.B.! Internet

Advantage America

Sweepstakes Information Reporting Services
False hope, fraud, made a fool of Ripoff

Advantage America
Ripoff and an attempt on my checking acount numbe

Advantage America
Ripoff, stole christmas

Advantage America

Stuffing For Cash
Cash for stuffing2 serious ripoff, fraud, cheats, false advertising

Advantage America
Ripoff Dont Know

Herongate Financial Group
Big Bad Mark Penn is the Man and don't for get Your Boy Chris Liven Just the two you want to not to Speak too