Asset Acceptance
Ripoff They are Doing this in Illinois too! They Cannot Produce Any Proof Of the Debt! Multiple Cities

Education & Science

Asset Acceptance contacted us out of the blue one day claiming to have recieved info on an illeged debt from 10 yrs ago, for an auto loan that my husband had supposedly taken out.

My Husband has never ever taken a loan for anything. Even our home was purchased out right!

When I disputed the debt to them, the rep got very rude threating me with garnishments and not paying this debt was against the law, and so forth. I explained that we'd just like to see something in the form of a signed contract, to prove this was really his debt, and added that we'd rather not pay a debt that we're not aware of. I was told that the info I was asking for was in the possession of the origninal debtor, and couldn't be obtained, I then told the rep that our payment could not be obtained either, unless they could produce some form of verification of this "loan"!

The Rep transferred me to a supervisor to do a "dispute" and I explained everything to the Supervisor, and the guy was a real creep who was extremely ignorant, (after dealing with him, I completely understand where the Rep. Got her training), stating that we should just meet our obligations and to stop being irresponsible!

Imagine, this person passing such judgement... Making the implications that we are deadbeats who do not pay our bills!

I'd like to add that during these harrassing daily phone calls, I was on bed rest, and 8 months along in a high risk pregnancy. (I had some complications that threatened the pregnancy). When I told them to please stop calling and just send us correspondence, I was again given a snotty attitude and told "We've sent you many letters, so now you can deal with the phone calls".
Up to this point, we had never recieved a single letter from them regarding any accounts.

I had tried for a while to work with them, and was nice, returning phone calls, and calling them to see where they were as far as getting the documentation I asked for, but as time went on, the calls continued, and increased in rudness and frequency, and still no proof was ever obtained by them.

They still continue to call.

I truely think these people are crooks with absolutely no valid claims just trying to intimidate people into paying them for money not owed!

The FTC really needs to shut these agencies down! I threatened them that I was going to file a complaint with the Office of The Attorney General! And I plan to do so!
Maybe everyone else who has had similar issues with them might want to consider doing the same thing!

Company: Asset Acceptance
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8662667550
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