Singer Laser
Singer Lazer Storm ripoff

Education & Science

Add my wife to the growing list of hard working folks who have been scammed by this formerly trustworthy company (Singer). She intended to order ONE vacuum and got FOUR. She also had to pay for shipping for all four of them, and it is virtually impossible to contact them through their automated system. We filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau who told us they are getting pounded with complaints on this product scam. My next stop is to contact our Attorney General's office and join their list too.

Company: Singer Laser
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 4540 Worth St
Phone: 8007168667
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Igia - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum
Singer Lazer Storm Vacuumigia - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum ripoff

Lazer Storm Singer
Singer Lazer Storm Ripoff theives nationwide

Singer Lazer Storm

Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum
Singer Lazer, laser, Storm Vacuum ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Singer Lazer Storm
Ripoff Los Angelas nationwide

Lazer Storm
Ripoff Ordered one vacuum, charged for two, did not receive any free items

Milinex Power Storm Vacuum - - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum - IGIA Wind Storm Vacuum
Milinex Power Storm Vacuum - Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum - IGIA Wind Storm Vacuum ripoff

Singer Lazer Storm Vacuum
Double billing order of vacuum cleaner, ripoff

Singer Wind Storm/originally Singer Lazer Storm
Ripoff Los Angeles California 90063 California

Singer Lazer Vacuum
Singer had good reputation till now, no product sent after 10 weeks, no one will answer calls or emails