I have audio recordings of cbcs' abusive and dishonest practices. Ripoff

Education & Science

I pulled my credit about a year ago and found that cbcs is on my credit report. I almost immediately called them to see why. Said that it was for an old mci bill. I asked them to send me proof, and they said if they do, I will have to pay the entire amount (they will not settle). I have to admit the first couple of people were cooperative but surprising. One guy even asked me for a neighbors phone number when I refused my work number.

When dealing with another abusive company I learned to record my phone calls. This may not be legal in your state but is legal in Texas as long as one of the parties on the phone knows its being recorded. I sent a certified cease and decist letter to them. On this letter I also asked for proof of validity of this debt. After 60 days of waiting I called to follow up... in 15-20 minutes I made approx 6 calls. I got hung up on almost all of them. One individual who claimed to be a manager by the name of Phil Gray, hung up on me because I would not talk to him about the money till I got proof that it was valid. I recorded all of these calls.

They removed their entry from one credit report just to place an entry on another. I have filed a complaint with BBB, FTC, and The Attorney General of Texas. I am currently looking for a lawyer to take my case. I did have MCI for service however, I was with SBC for the time period I was supposedly being billed for.

Company: Cbcs
Country: USA
State: Ohio
Phone: 8884130093
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