CBCS Class Action Lawsuit needed for Harrassment Ripoff

Business & Finance

Last week, I too also started receiving phone calls from CBCS on my cell phone. This was in reagrds to an old Sprint PCS account that I closed. Sprint sent me a bill upon closure, BUT they did not, and would not apply my $150 deposit to that bill, thus I would not, and did not pay them. I would be more than happy to pay them the true amount of the debt, however, this debt is 6 years old now, and by law, will come off of my credit report in a year.

This bill has been sold to the scum at CBCS, and after numerous conversations with them (no one at this company holds a degree or diploma in communications, let alone finance, or law), I was forced to change my cell phone number.

Their phone calls are nothing short of harrassment, and I call on ALL OF US to retain the services of AN ATTORNEY to pursue a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT FOR DAMAGES DUE TO HARRASSMENT, TIME WASTED, AND MONIES LOST. This can and should be done, and please email me at mickey@mickeylongshanks.com IF you are 1) an attorney interested in this case, or 2) you are one of the thousands being harrassed by these people.

I would like to bring this company to its knees and bring some justice to this horrible sector of business.
Make no mistake about it, I told CBCS to CEASE AND DESIST on the phone and in EMail, and will send a certified letter. Their actions are childish and illegal under the Fair Debt Acts.

Please, let's get this company off of the face of the earth, and all rest a little easier.

Company: Cbcs
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 5 E Long Street
Phone: 8778089098
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