I.P.I.U. Ripoff fraudulent took information under false pretense internet

Education & Science

I was looking for information regarding private investigator school. This internet site presented itself to be able to get people involved in the business as a training situation. I was asked to give my drivers license information and foolishly I did. I am afraid of what this information will be used for.

Company: Ipiu
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: IPIU. COM
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International Private Investigators Union ripoff IPIU is a Fraud It is a scam

IPIU - International Private Investigators Union
This organization lures you to be a member so you can be employed as a Private Investigator Trainee Internet

Ripoff fraudulent job offerings mail fraud ripoff Internet

DNA Diagnostics Center
Completely irresponsible service

International Private Investigators Union
Ripoff Total scam, Deceptive Practices, Fraudulant claims, False information and complete indifference to the people and livelihoods they are deceiving

A S Blakeley Investigations
Retained investigator, False promises, under false pretenses, no results

Intl. Private Investigator's Union
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing of credit card

Time Warner Cable
Too much personal info. - Internet Service

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