Ace Hardware Bate and Switch, Charged my card but didn't deliver what was confirmed in an email

Construction & Repair advertised a cleaning product that I was looking for, which was an eight pack at $3.79 so I bought three. They billed my credit card and sent me a confirmation email for exactly what I ordered.

When I went to pick up the product they had shipped three singles not eight packs so I refused to sign for them until the order was corrected. Then I got an email saying the the order number had been changed from a eight pack to a single box. When I look on line again they had change the Item number I ordered to redirect to the new order number for a single pack, so essentially remove the item that I purchased and replaced it with another. (I still have the confirmation email of the original request)

I never received any part of this order yet and Ace Hardware refuse to post a credit to my card. Now I don't want a credit I want the original order. These low life's have no humility or sense of proper business and it appears that it's a matter of the big guy messing with the consumer again because they can get away with it. Don't shop at Ace Hardware or at least watch your back.

Company: Ace Hardware
Country: USA
Address: 2200 Kensington Court, Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 8662905334
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