Hansons Windows
Hansons Bait & Switch!

Construction & Repair

My experience working for Hanson's is that they are a High Pressure Bait & Switch company. Since their promotion only allow you totake advantage of special TV offerings when you purchase at "FULLPRICE" which means everyone pays a different price depending upon how longyou hold out for or how many times you say NO. If you want the best price tellthem NO & to leave. Theyll call you back & offer you a lower price, ifyou want an even lower price, buy then CANCEL your deal they will come back out & offer an even LOWER PRICE...

They claim 50% off normal pricing, but they ALWAYS have a "sale" they couldn't sell at "FULL RETAIL" because those prices are at least DOUBLE what legitimate contractors charge for. They use Alside Windows & Siding (Cheap! At local lumber yard). Salespersonnel & Installers are SUB-CONTRACTORS... As a matter a fact when Iquit they STOPPED PAYMENT on $958 dollar check that they had paid me, that Ihad already cashed, as one of their salespersons.

Because I decided to find work elsewhere when Ray L. Their "Command Center"boss told me in his unprofessional way over 5 times "Your Fired" as a form of workplace harassment. Ben L.in Saginawtold me I was a Bad Employee If I didn't keep my mouth shut, and that Iwasn't going to get any of the "GOOD LEADS". 50% of the people thatbuy cancel & most don't receive the financing plans offered. If you want tomake a good use of your time & money. Hire a reputable local contractor& DONT LINE BRIAN ELIAS'S POCKETS ANY DEEPER, But hey Brian, Love thecommercial.

Your DAD would have been so proud of the lies you tell to takepeople's money. If you want to be telemarketed hard give them your info! Theyoffer you a 1st inspection discount as in Buy Today & save, but theyll leave you with the same discount even if you dont buy that day& if you say No theyll just call it in & get more Discount (signs, advertising, solar eclipse). WHERES THE BOTTOM LINE? Its more of a jokecompany with a clown as the ringleader, and they dont value their customers, they have Contempt for them.

Company: Hansons Windows
Country: USA
Address: 977 E 14 Mile Road troy mi 48083
Site: hansons.com
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Hansons Windows
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