Heat A Lot
Don't really tell the truth

Construction & Repair

We bought 2 of these types of heaters as they were reported to help save on heating. Well they don't really help. They make the room feel warmer yes, but the cost of our electric went up around 100 dollars. They only give you 30 days and you really need at least 90 days in order to really be able to really compare.
So just don't take their word for it and don't buy one. I feel we were taken. Yes we did buy them last year and didn't really use them till this year.
We used one in our living room and because it was so cold last year nothing was keeping up with that. So we used them for the first time this year and this year we are having a very mild winter.
I did call them to state my feelings and the person I talked to was not really very nice or helpful. It was as if she had heard it all before.
I'm very disappointed and I feel we were taken for a ride.
I have no one to ask if theirs worked or not as I don't know anyone who bought one.
So people, don't buy one.

Company: Heat A Lot
Country: USA
Address: P.O. Box 84
Site: heater.com
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Pool Not Hot Enough

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