Zimmer and Kohl Contracting
They lie, cheat and jack up their prices

Construction & Repair

In April, our basement flooded. So my wife and I went through the process of getting bids from several companies. One of those companies was Zimmer & Kohl Contracting. I wish we would have never, never, never done this.

Their bid was the lowest of the five we received. When we asked why they came in lower than the other bids, we were told it was because they worked in volume and that's how they could keep the prices low.

Sounded legit to my wife and I, but just in case we put back extra money to cover any additions to the estimate that we might occur after the job was completed. We gave them a check and they disappeared.

So after fighting for two weeks to get on the schedule, and get anybody to call us back, we finally got on the calendar for May 24th. When May 24th arrived, we were told they needed to come back to our house to measure. Which was odd because they had been to our house 3 times already and had measured twice.

6 hours after he was supposed to be there, their contractor Ben showed up at my house visibly angry. He stormed into our house, brushed past my wife and in a tone that can only be described as furious on the verge of punching me or something, he began to berate me. Yelling about how we were supposed to supply the tile and the supplies. My response was a bit amazed because LINE 1 of the estimate clearly stated they were supposed to supply and install everything. It's like going to McDonald's, ordering a cheeseburger and then being asked to supply the meat and the bun so they can cook it.

He then told me there was no way he could do the job for the price on the estimate. I asked how could he suddenly come to this conclusion when he'd had the estimate for 5 weeks. He said, the person who did the estimate didn't know what they were doing and they should be fired. He then filled out a check for the deposit we had given Zimmer & Kohl Contracting, threw it at my wife and I, saying "I took time out of my schedule to come out here, I don't need this!" He then started swearing and slammed our door in a fit or rage.

So after calming down, I called the person who had done our estimate. He apologized and worked with Zimmer and Kohl to come up with a new price. He produced one for about $3000 more than the original price. Which my wife and I agreed too, this was our own fault for doing this. But like I said earlier, we had put aside money in case of overages, and this was honestly about what we thought they would be based on the other estimates we had received.

So we scheduled a date with the guise that we wouldn't have to deal with Ben again after his outrageous and pompus behavior. They agreed and were supposed to come out to our house so we could sign the new estimate on May 28th.

I then received a call from them on the 28th telling me that the front office had kicked back the 2nd estimate and had assigned a new dollar figure to it. This estimate was for $10,000 above what the initial estimate was. At this point I had to walk away.

Now, I sit in my house which has all the furniture that was in the basement crammed into our living room, hallway, extra bedroom and sun room. Our house is maze because we moved everything out of our basement because they were supposed to be here to do the work. So instead of having a completed basement, I have an empty hole and a garage full of old carpet that they were supposed to hall away.

Of all the horror stories you hear about slimy, underhanded, greedy contractors and construction companies, Zimmer and Kohl fit them to a "T". They don't show up when they're supposed to, don't call you back, and low ball you on a price to get the job and then try to gauge you with a prices only the hand of Satan could have signed off on.

Stay away from Zimmer & Kohl Contracting. I'm not sure how a company that's been in business for over 40 years can survive with rude, pompous employees like Ben. I will be reporting them to the Better Business Bureau.

Company: Zimmer and Kohl Contracting
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Louisville
Address: 10242 Shelbyville Road
Site: zimmerkohl.us
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