
Construction & Repair

I am still on hold after numerous attempts of trying to get a $5 per month charged removed after we purchased our internet modem about two years ago and they continue to charge us the rental fee. Last October I spent hours on the phone with them to only receive 3 months credited back. The charge is still there every month and I was just told that I would receive for this month but not prior month because it my responsibility to check my bill. I assumed when they said it was taken care of that Qwest would make sure its taken care of. At this point in my opinion I thinks its a scam and another way to get as much money as they can. I've been with Qwest for about 20 years and bundle all my services and now refuse to continue my services!!! I will be shopping for a company that provides service and that IS NOT QWEST!!!

Company: Qwest
Country: USA
State: Washington
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AOL And Qwest
AOL America On Line And Qwest deceptive advertising, won't honor prices listed in AOL high speed internet promotion Washington

Qwest Communications
Great service from Qwest - phone

After two years of constant erroneous billing mistakes. We've cancelled our account with them

The Billing Resource Ripoff Bogus billing

Qwest bait and switch

MSN DSL Service - Quest
Qwest, MSN DSL Service ripoff Phoenix

Worthless Cruel

Esbi - Ets - Sbo
Survival Kit Billed my company $29.95 through Qwest tel. Billing

Ripoff Scam artists, liars and rude workers Well who do they think has $300 or $400 dollars every month to pay them and never get credit for it

Direct TV Qwest and Direct TV Bundle package billing ripoff