Chrisnic Construction
Lousy job and work incomplete

Construction & Repair

Keep in mind the title Chrisnic Building and beware... Flyby nite companies... Dont worry about your house. Toughest manager actually... Never there. They never cleanup once they abandon... Split surfaces that aren't have to be damaged... It was to get a bathtub and home, to help you imagine should you had a dormer develop... Dont need one to proceed through need i experienced

Company: Chrisnic Construction
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Bellmore
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Chrisnic Construction
Poor design

Chrisnic Construction
Excellent work

Chrisnic Construction
Horrible experience using them

Chrisnic Construction
Poor Design

Chrisnic Construction
Poor workmanship/Liars

Chrisnic and Kitchen and baths
They suck!

Chrisnic Construction Corp
Awful Jo

Scribner Construction
Ripoff dishonest contractor, withheld money and did not complete work in Chico, cal

Pro Tech Construction

Safeguard Tubs
$16,000.00 rip off of elderly