Dee's Shell
A Customer Service Nightmare - Gasoline

Construction & Repair

Went to this gas station and asked for a full tank or regular gas. Gave the attendant my credit card. When my tank was full, he asked me for my card. I told I had given it to him already. He checked the office, his pockets, etc., and asked me for my card again. I told him again I had given it to him (getting nervous now - I am the only female at the station and he has apparently lost my credit card!). He checks a few places again and AGAIN asks me for my card, INSISTING I HAD NOT GIVEN HIM MY CARD, TELLIMG ME TO LOOK IN MY POURSE LIKE I'M SOME STUPID IDIOT! At this point, I start to get more nervous (id theft, etc. - hey, it's my CREDIT card and I am stil the ONLY female at the station!) and told him VERY FIRMLY that I HAD given him my card, and the if he had lost it, I could not pay for my gas!
So, of course, the manager/owner FRANK, comes over to my car. He was defense, barely squeaked out an appropriate apology and when I said THANK YOU for the apology, he got even more defensive and snarky with me. Basically FRANK made me feel as if it was MY fault!
So, I called my husband, my husband called our bank and he called the Bloomfield NJ police department, because we had to cancel the card and, if someone else took it, it could be credit card theft, which could lead to frauduleunt charges. Not a great thing to happen, but FRANK, a Bloomfield fireman, was VERY UNSYMPATHETIC, still bullying in his manner to me, still making me feel like I had done something wrong! Meanwhile, I had to cancel my card, wait 10 days for a new one, missed an important meeting at work becuase of all this - I was now VERY LATE to work!!!

Then, FRANK starts yelling at me that I still had to pay for the gas. Well, there was a Bloomfield Police officer in front of my car - I WASN'T GOING ANYWHERE!

You know, mistakes happen and losing one's credit card it not a good thing to have happen. But it was the attendant's snotty attitude and Frank's chauvinistic, bullying manner with me that made the whole situation worse!!! FRANK, THE OWNER/MANAGER and BLOOMFIELD FIREMAN, has no business being in any business that involves customer service - he is clueless!

Don"t patronize dee's jkf shell station on beach street in bloomdfield nj!!!

Company: Dee's Shell
Country: USA
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