Omar Camargo Gamez
Is A crazed scammer!

Construction & Repair

So I met a friend that went to my old church, I had told him I wanted to remodel bathroom in my master bedroom. He reccomended this Omar Camargo Gamez, wich was the biggest mistake of my life. Omar came down to my house gave me an estimate and asked for cash upfront to get supplies. I gave him $1200 (stupid of me). I didnt hear from him for a month. After tracking him down he told me this sad story on how his wife had cheated on him and he was going to divorse and loose his house. I told him I would need my money back or I would call the cops. He said he would get the job done, and he needed a bit of time. I waited a week and then another. I found out were he went to church and confronted him in parking lot. Thats when he went INSANE! He got in his truck and screamed at me and tried to hit my car. He then stopped and got out and started crying to me about his wife being a slut, and all this other things, he was a mess, he told me he would stop by my hme later that nite and talk to me alone and not infront of his daughter wich by the way looked petrefied of her own father. He did show up to my house later that nite only to cry to me about money, and how he was gna kill himself so his family wouldnt loose the house, and he could get rid of his debt. WOW! I never expected that from a guy that was suppossed to fix my bathroom. I told him he could pay me back my money in two payments, he agreed quit his crying and told me that I was his god. That was 2 months ago and I havent seen a dime from him. Omar Camargo gamez is a sick derranged individual! You shuld not trust this man, I am now $1200 in losses and cant locate this man. He is an LDS member and may visit random churches in the Mesa QueenCreek area. Beware of Omar Camargo Gamez.

QueenCreek, Arizona

Company: Omar Camargo Gamez
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Queen Creek
Phone: 4807205642
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