Dura-Bull Dog Bedz
Dura-Bull Dog Bedz are NOT indestructible as advertised. My German Shepherd shredded it in less than 24 hours!

Construction & Repair

After contacting Dura-bull regarding the destruction of the "indestructible" dog bed, this is the caring customer service response I received.

That is terrible we hardly ever hear of this you must have a very destructive dog. It is dogs like that that prevents us from saying indestructible and just
durable. We make a bed that is durable and will hold up to its intended use, and just tear and chew resistant not chew proof. But luckily most of our customers have well trained/raised dogs that do use the bed for its purpose and not a chew toy. But there is help, just go to our links icon on bottom of web page, and their is info on training ones dog.
Good luck, and -
Thank you for inquiring with,

dog bedz

My dog is in advanced obedience, is CGC certified, and has done commercials for the local training facility. Apparently, this company cannot take responsibility for the lack in their product or their false advertising and they feel the need to put the blame on "ones dog". I am so glad I found somebody else that has experienced the same as us with this destructible dog bed.

Lexington, Kentucky

Company: Dura-Bull Dog Bedz
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: 7349 Via Paseo Del Sur, Ste. 515, #239
Phone: 8773642339
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Dura - Bull Dog Bedz
Dura - bull dog bedz a great bed if not the best!

Dura-Bull Dog Bedz
Dura-Bull Dog Bedz, up to $189 each "virtually indestructible dog bed" did not last 8 hrs, returned beds, manufacturer kept beds and money!

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