Lies, Lies & More Lies Pennsylvania

Construction & Repair

Demaco continues to insist they helped me & they have met all my demands. I have made no demands of Demarco. There were many false promises made by 1 or more employees at this respect I am at fault for beleiving them.

Demarco has written they have sent a customer satisfaction survey to my home, i have never received any surveys; what i received was a form in Feb demanding I send them contact info: if this form was not returned they would assume i had abandon the property & have no alternative but to start legal proceedings; when I? Demarco regarding this a mgr at Demarco advised it was company protocol to send the letter a lot of the clients they had helped were not paying the rent, everyone received the letter.

Demarco has all my letters on file, I have all their letters on file also, I never heard from Nu-credit & I have not been contacted by anyone on Demarcos behalf regarding the repurchase off my home. The most recent letter I received from them was a letter statng they have not received the rent for may, The letter has a very hefty fine over 1000 however in their defense if payment has been mailed Thank you, etc, etc.

I have been paying Demarco by check from the cashout they gave me at closing, I prefer not to speak with them, they do not enforce what they say especially regarding what was told to me at closing.

I understand now that was a false promise, that i unfortunately beleived. I have one hope if I hit the lottery, I can be a homeowner again.

Company: Demarco
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Philadelphia
Address: 1500 JFK Blvd
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