Jim Walter Homes
Building houses that fall apart and still cost $100,000

Construction & Repair

My mother and father in-law put up their land and had Jim Walter Homes build them a picture perfect home. Well it looked good in the picture anyways. That was about 3 years ago.

About 6 months after the house was finished, my husband and I noticed that when we leaned against one of our bedroom walls, the overhead light would blink on and off. My mother in-law called Jim Walter Homes, they came out and told us it was only the fixture that was blown. Replace it with a new one and all would be OK. We replaced it with THREE different new fixtures, all of which did not work. But the beat goes on...

One corner of the house, my in-laws bedroom, is so off center. The door frames and doors do not fit right. The walls have cracks in them an inch wide and you can put a whole hand into the wall. Not just in their room. Almost every door in the house is off center. I have included pictures to help explain it better. It comes down to the house is falling apart. Jim Walter wants nothing to do with repairing it.

Besides the walls crumbling, the electrical being messed up, we also have plumbing problems. My in-laws bathroom comode will not willing flush. Our bathroom sink has not worked in months, we had to turn off the water to the sink to stop it from leaking. And I havent even started talking about the porch!

Look at the pictures and tell me if you think this is what a 3 year old house should look like, at a cost of over 100,000 dollars.

Company: Jim Walter Homes
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Tupelo
Site: jimwalterhomes.com
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Jim Walter Homes
Ripoff business from hell

Jim Walter Homes - Mid State Homes
Mid-State Homes Licking roof falling steps incomplete kitchen sinks and bathroom towelit fell through floor, undersink licked

Jim Walter Homes - Aka Mid State Homes
JIM WALTER HOMES AKA MID STATE HOMES ripoff business from hell ripoff liars victimized us

Jim Walter Homes
Mike Ellis House builder was more of a shack builde

Jim Walter Homes
RIP OFF OWE more for HOUSE than it APPRAISES Also poor construction

Jim Walter Homes
Ripoff Mid-State con-artist liars robbers cheaters felons

Jim Walter Homes
Mid State Homes, rip-off

Jim Walter Homes
Signed contract in still no house

Jim Walterhomes/midstate
Joke and a rip off

Jim Walter Homes/mid State Homes/walter Mortgage Co
Single mother of 5! Yeah they jerked me around too! My house is not in great shape & any late payments they threaten forclosurer but the have shut down in ms now no more houses being built!