Giles Industries
Ripoff! Run and hide experts, no response, no help, DON'T TRUST THEM! Promises, Promises

Construction & Repair

I bought a mobile home by Giles,

1) major waterline leak, Fixed (4 weeks later), said no teflon tape used, said probably throughout, but wouldn't check.

2) Roof leaked, vents & chimney improperly installed, general roof problems, told to hire someone and have repair co. Contact Giles to arrange repairs. Roofers said whole roof needed redone, Giles tried to tar patch leaks, and refused to outsource repairs.

3) After substantial damage, a poor, partial repair was made, but ignored chimney issues.

4) Contacted them to see about rest of repairs, was told they were "Done with me." Made up lies to excuse selves, then stopped communicating.

Filed w / BBB of greater Tennessee Valley, due to no response, revoked Giles membersip. Contacted Consumer Affairs Dept, Tennessee Also, after certified letter, and brief promise to re-contact, did not do so. Result, placed on state Buyer Beware List.

Company: Giles Industries
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: New Tazewell
Address: 405 S. Broad Street
Phone: 4236267243
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Mallory and Sons Roofing
Mallory & Sons Roofing Company

James Giles
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Giles County Psa
Billing for services that were never provided

Consumer Report

Johnny Bryan Giles
Business Development by Giles, Global Solutions, Business Consultant

Consumer Report

AAA Reliable Inc
AAA Chimney Rip Off Con Artists - Suppose to clean gutters, tried to sell chimney repairs

J&C Roofing
Installed new roof which has always leaked, says warranty is up after 1 year Ripoff