Advanceware Solutions
Bad tech support

Computers & Services

We purchased advancepro to be able to track our inventory with Quickbooks. For the last couple months our IT department has not been able to get their questions answered and when they tried calling their tech support department no one picks up. The latest issue of not being able to sync our data has put a strain in our business. Because we are not able to sync, we are backed up in billing, vendor orders and now we have to manually input the data in Quickbooks in order to pay our suppliers. We have written several emails to our rep (Cameron Lilly) with no reply. We are so frustrated with the lack of professionlism and all the extra work we all have to do because of their understaff. This is costing time and money. Needless to say that we will have no other option but to start looking for another software that can really help us when needed. All the money invested in this software was a waste.

Company: Advanceware Solutions
Country: USA
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Advanceware Solutions
Poor Customer support

Advanceware Solutions
Poor Customer support

Advanceware Solutions
Poor Customer support

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