Web2itions.com, Website Dynamics
Do not use this web developer. El leguna

Internet & Web

I signed up with this company a month ago. At the time i signed up i was told that i could process online orders through my merchant account at quickbooks, i also requested that i be able to download my whole catolog from a bulk import, either excel, or quickbooks.

I can do neither. This company is great for saying one thing, and doing another. After i manually input my whole catalog, and bought qbpro i was informed that web2itions does not have an "agreement" with quickbooks, and doesnt plan on getting one. Likewise, with my online payments. My only recourse is to either use their podunk web merchant, who no one has heard of, and whose fees are quite high, or manually input all orders from email.

Except, the e mail doesnt work. I have been trying for a week, to get it activated. I have orders out there in limbo, which i cannot access, or process.

The support is horendus to say the least. At least 6 hours to get a response, then it is obvious that they didnt read the email question, because the answer is so wrong. There is not phone # to call, and to date i have sent 7 emails, with no response. I have spent hours on the internet trying to find a physical address, or phone number. This company is a piece of #$@$, do not use. Go anywhere but with them.

Company: Web2itions.com, Website Dynamics
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Leguna
Site: web2itions.com
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