Icreon Communications
Gang of incapables

Computers & Services

Really disappointed... They have charged us 80 working hours for just for... Nothing
my local developer says its 2 days time job and the way it was done stuff working on it should be really trainee level...
One more point: they will count every minute of your phone conversations and bill it to you as working hours of course...
And I would better not go into the details about the time you have to spend on the phone to explain them something.

Company: Icreon Communications
Country: USA
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Icreon Communications
Icreon stuff incapacity New Delhi

Installation - Local phone service

Fennell Container
Ripoff dishonest pay

Over Charged

National wholesale liquidators
NWL poor working conditions

International House of Pancakes Does not pay correct hours, does not pay overtime, mandatory ovetime on holidays w/o overtime pay

Party City
Discriminates Against Pregnant Employees Discrimination mistreated and ripped off

The diggity dog Somervile ma
Will not pay me for the two days I worked there

Computer Doctor/Applied Data
ComputerDoctor / Applied Data Computer Doctor... Total rip off. Could have done it myself!

Dish Network
Customer Service agents do not allow customer complaints Memphis