The diggity dog Somervile ma
Will not pay me for the two days I worked there

Animals & Birds

#User Rating: 1 out of 5 starsby rippedoffbylisa11/12

STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE!!! I answered an ad and worked there for 2 days. 14.5 hours. I made a few comments about a hole in the wall of the Playroom and the dogs were chewing on the dry wall everyday. On my first day I got bitten, and another dog bit a lady on the street. Lisa seems to have some type of personality disorder. One moment she is nice as pie, and the other she rambling to anyone who will listen that she is in money trouble, and can't compete with the other places. So I worked 2 days. She said she'd call me on the following Monday to work, and she never did. I called her and she said she'd mail me my check. She owes me for 14.5 hours. She keeps hanging up on me, and at one point stated that I never worked there. One problem for HER. I have pictures I took of the dogs as I was working there and playing with them. I also took a few short video clips of me working there. I can't say too much more. I was advised to sue her in small claims court. Seems like a lot of work for $112 bucks. I am going to sue under chapter 93a, and seek triple damages. I had other issues with working there but can not go into details.

If you do go there, look for the hole in the wall, its between the door and the window that looks inside the play room. Its inside the playroom. She also let a dog in there that didn't have her Kennel cough shot up to date! She put it in the room next door, seperated by a door that is 4 feet tall.

I worked with Zack, a local volunteer and Matt. They seemed alright.

Company: The diggity dog Somervile ma
Country: USA
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