Magic Jack
Extremely Poor Customer Service/Sucky VOIP - Allof the above

Computers & Services

I have had my MagicJack for a year and for most of that year I felt it NEVER WORKED properly. It would receive calls, take a voicemail message, send me an email of a call but if I Actually wanted to MAKE a call to "lord forbid Speak with someone" it was virutally impossible because of the extremely poor quality, crackling, screeching and especially the echo. Once I was able to wangle my way through the online troubleshooting screen processes to FINALLY FIND a way to communicate with customer service via the "Live Chat" I have spent many many hours trying to alleviate this problem, doing their little reset process over and over and over and finally gave up. Because I use this number in my business and have business signs reflecting it I tried to get information on how to 'port' that number to another phone company. I NEVER got an answer to that and threatened to report it to the FCC, they didn't care, (they are non-Americans - in India afterall). I got a new computer, plugged in the MJ and thought it was going to work, it did a couple of times so I renewed for a year. But then it stopped working so well and the echo was back, Intolerable!
After much of my own troubleshooting I have found a work around for the echoes, (I tried to tell them about it but being ESL persons, they could care less about that too). The work around for the echo I have found is if I dial the phone number from the softpad on my computer screen and hit send I almost always have a call with no echo, if I dial the phone as normal it always echoes. I figured it would work only as an answering machine but with the work around it might be more uselful.
The mj does not work with the fax or a splitter as I had planned it to, (they only tell you that after the fact), so I still have to have my landline.

Company: Magic Jack
Country: USA
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Magic Jack

Can NOT call land line numbers

Magic Jack
Magic Jack. Don't waste your time or your money!

Don't get rid of your landline

Magic Jack
It won't work anymore. - Customer Service and Billing

Magic Jack
Doesn't work

Magic Jack just say NO to MAGICJACK!

Magic Jack
Quit Working Worked Poorly review - Magic Jack Complaints

Magic Jack
Terrible experience

Magic Jack
Magic Jack this company provided major aggravation instead of a reliable phone service as advertissed