Defective laptops

Computers & Services

Last October we purchased these two swell lap tops, the melted hard drive of one being that which is currently playing on youtube.

They have both been enormously problematic off and on since day one. They eat Word Perfect files that have already been saved. They go to sleep at random times. They eat I-tunes files. They eat graphics (Adobe) files. They eat Internet bookmarks. They run slow. Their Internet connections are poor. They run VERY hot.

Fast forward to present day: within days of each other, both systems completely failed. Service

Tag number 52S said Error Code 7 and after a few hours of frantically trying to save files to a portable hard drive, one couldn't even turn it on. J87 said error code 5 and would barely, haltingly boot up. Calling service techs over in India, it took almost two hours to convince them through an amazingly incompetent trouble shooting process that the hard drives were basically dead.

But eventually, they are convinced and "sorry for the inconvenience." So they send us new ones, and we install them. Easy enough, except for the loss of that thousand dollars of software that cannot be reinstalled (video editing, song-writing), not to mention the huge hassle of reloading all the other software we can reinstall, the permanently lost files, etc.

And just because the hard drives now work, that doesn't mean these boxes are not otherwise defective, time bombs still waiting to explode. The computers still run unbelievably hot. As hot as putting your hand in an oven hot. That can't be right, can it? Maybe that's why the hard drives melted. Maybe the problem is caused because the computer battery can only contain 14.8 volts and the power adapter puts out 19 volts. Not such a smart idea really, to have such a disparate amount of power. What sort of trouble shooting does Dell provide when one of these things burns down the house? I suppose the techs have been trained to say then that they are very, very sorry for the inconvenience.

But back to my story. So, when we took out the old hard drives, as you can see on youtube, one was oozing skin-burning pink goo. The other was merely rippled and bubbled.

These products were, and probably still are, defective. I do not want to wait another six months until they are out of warranty and watch these new (excuse me, not new, refurbished!) hard drives melt, or my house burn down, or see whatever other atrocity these lap tops hold in store.

I want to return them and I want my money back. I am putting this out on the web as well as contacting Dell.

Company: Dell
Country: USA
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