Blockbuster Inc
Store transfer request denied

Cinemas & Theaters

My store manager adalina trigg in anchorage alaska 99502 eest diamond branch declined my submission of transfer to relocate to the huffman branch. This troubles me because she gave no reason for this answer. I have asked for a transfer 2 times. She She racially discriminates against me daily and something must be done. I hooe my request is understood. Leif s levang

Company: Blockbuster Inc
Country: USA
Address: 1201 Elm Street Dallas TX 75270
Phone: 2148543000
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Blockbuster Inc
Transferal of location

Blockbuster Video
Ripoff but it most depends where you just go

Blockbuster Online
Blockbuster Online - This company sucks, dishonest, and should be taken down. What a rip! Internet

Blockbuster - Nkorni
Blockbuster - Ripoff Nkorni lazy and rude blockbuster employee refuses to open a membership

BlockBuster L.L.C
Consumer Report

Blockbuster Online
Ipped me off

Blockbuster Video
Prepaid electronic gift cards consumer ripoff

Blockbuster Video
Total Access NOT subscription in store in-store exchange free

Blockbuster Video
Unauthorized credit card charge

Blockbuster Online - Blockbuster Video
Bait and Switch Lake Worth