Ripoff fraud, crooks, liars. My dog could have painted the car better!

Cars & Transport

I saved and paid to have my daughters car painted for her birthday, as a single parent, it takes time to save that kind of money. No body damage on the car, just a simple paint job. Got the big promise of how nice it would be and left my car in what i thought were capable hands.

When i picked the car up there were drips on the fenders that they had actually pin-striped over (duh) and were shocked when i was upset, plus someone had leaned on the door area of the car when it was still wet and left a denim mark in the paint. The worst part was the fact that the car actually looks striped.

You can see where they stood back and just did wide sweeping motiong over the car to cover the poor sanding job they had done. And the dirt in the paint, looks like it was painted outside on a windy day. When i complained they started to explain to me about a "low end and a high end" paint job. What they mean is a low quality and high quality paint job. That was not an option in my paperwork.

They agreed to fix the drips on the fender and the pant mark on the door area, but said if i wanted a better paint job, it would cost another 500 dollars.

Wait... Theres still more... When i did pick the car up from the first paint job, i was trying to clean it all up and found the tape they used to tape off the car thrown under the seat. And the filth inside the car, looks like someone slept there.

So i took it back in to have the drips and pant mark fixed, when i picked it up from that, they had locked the business doors half an hour early, left my car alone in the lot, keys in the ignitation, and a can of paint for me to keep for touch ups i guess, but the paint was upside down on the passenger seat and had leaked through the new seat cover and onto the car seat itself. Nobody will call me back to discuss fixing the seat and replacing the seat cover. I hate macco... I will tell everyone i know and more to never go to macco.

Company: Macco
Country: USA
State: California
Address: 777 ELMIRA ROAD
Phone: 7074516140
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