Eyal Aviv - Xerd - MphUnlimited
Ripoff eyal aviv stole $300,000.00! Don't buy from this fraud merchant website. Did he cheat, lie, extort and use you too?

Cars & Transport

Please read for your protection!

Xerd/mph fraud, eyal aviv stole about $300,000.00 from people, don't buy from this fraud merchant website.

Http://www.xerd.com / Formally known as www.MPHUnlimited.com

Did he steal, cheat, lie, extort and use you too? I HAVE TONS OF PROOF! I know as I am out $90,000.00. And more data from others is being gathered all the time!

COSTUMER FRAUD, Not following through with orders, EXTORTION, Stole MONEY from people who were helping him to develop products and build his company. "DON'T BUY" anything from this company (Eyal Aviv)! They have an unsatisfactory record with the http://www.bbb.com / under www.Xerd.com and when they were MphUnlimited.com as well.

This guy borrowed lots of money from different people way over $300,000.00 and more to get his company going and then "filed bankruptcy" so he wouldn't have to pay them back (even his friends) all the while using their money to start up Xerd.com. Would you buy merchandise from a man like that, that uses people to build his company? And now he is doing the same thing under his new company Xerd.com.

BEWARE... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! His company/website is a one man show of only him. He lies, steals and cheats and doesn't give a darn about his clients or people. I have information on many people he has screwed over and more is coming in all the time.

OLD Address
3155 Willow Lane
Westlake Village, Ca. 91361

NEW Address
XERD Corporation.
5699 Kanan Rd #170.
Agoura Hills, CA, 91301

Please contact me by using the rebuttal box below if you would like to join us in getting justice or just to let us know what he did to you, believe me you are NOT alone! See this website also: www.XerdTruth.com about another person that was extorted.

This is just one of many that I have received. Please submit yours too! We all need justice! WE NEED TO SHUT HIM DOWN!

I paid Eyal an overcharged sum of $3,000.00 back in Dec. Of 2002. He even had my car shipped from NY to Ca. After the many trips back and forth costing me thousands of additional dollars, it is now been 17 months since the transaction. I have filed small claims, BBB, Internet police etc., pursuing a shark lawyer now. Things are seeming to take as long as Eyal. I hope to get compensated by all this some way or the other. I've surfed the web to find too many unsatisfied customers of his. If only I coulda known in the beginning when he botched the order for headers with another local supra owner.

I worked double overtime shifts night in after night out to be able to afford such a big project and got nothing but nothing that I could have done at substantially better cost effective value. Regards, J.D.

Company: Eyal Aviv - Xerd - MphUnlimited
Country: USA
State: California
City: Agoura Hills
Address: 5699 Kanan Rd #170
Phone: 8188893737
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