Safe-Direct Car Shipping
Dance with the devil and you may get burned

Cars & Transport

Had to laugh when I saw the report on Michael Stricland calling the police on one of his "employees".
It is a well known fact that he offers to pay anywhere between $25 and $50 to people that will write fake reviews on the site
Obviously there are a lot of people, most of them young students that will do "most anything" for $50.
What no one realizes is the Basta— has no intention of actually paying, when confronted he will claim that he did not "make the deal" or that all reviews are strictly voluntary, most of the "writers" are young, not even old enough to have a car.
It appears that this time he must have "met his match".
I beleive they call it "karma". Bad things happen to bad people.
When you enter in to a "deal" that is obviously with a "bad person" to do "bad things" you should not be surprised when it does not work out well.
The reality is these people are thieves, liars, and they pretty much "deserve" what happens when they "plot" with each other in their "next caper"
Do they really think this going to be "selective" in who he deciodes to "ripoff"
Seriously, theives are not usually all that "selective", it is crime of opportunity, and beleive me they will steal from you given any opportunity.
Folks there are legitimate people in this business, unfortunately this is just not one of them.

Company: Safe-Direct Car Shipping
Country: USA
Phone: 8662211664
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